Course description

Key topics covered in this course includes:

Growth and Development Milestones: Understanding the normal stages of physical, cognitive, and emotional development in children, from infancy through adolescence. This includes recognizing age-appropriate behaviors and developmental red flags that may indicate underlying health issues.

Pediatric Assessment Techniques: Mastery of age-specific assessment methods, including obtaining a health history, conducting physical examinations, and utilizing pediatric assessment tools. Special focus is given to non-invasive and child-friendly techniques to minimize discomfort and anxiety.

Common Childhood Illnesses: Identification, management, and prevention of prevalent pediatric conditions such as respiratory infections, gastrointestinal disorders, allergies, and skin conditions. This section includes guidance on immunization schedules and vaccine administration.

Communication with Children and Families: Strategies for effectively communicating with pediatric patients at different developmental stages and their families. This includes building rapport, using age-appropriate language, and involving parents and caregivers in the care process.



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